Scott Rendall website

A fresh new personal website is published with additional functionality and image optimisation.
The new design has a more personal / social networking feel and features the familiar fixed width page centred within the screen, an avatar with profile summary and comment at the top of each page, simple clear site navigation and a cool blue faded background.
The home page has been revamped, with listings for both the news, photo gallery and guestbook - news and photo gallery listings now have title, description, date and a thumbnail image for each entry. The photo gallery has been similarly revamped with a new slideshow page, along with the existing thumbnails and user comments for each album. The news section still contains full news articles with photo, user comments and RSS news feed. The guestbook has also been revamped, with restyled comment blocks throughout the site and administrator email notification on every new comment.
Behind the scenes the site has a secure custom-built and fully integrated content management system - this system allows the administrator to edit the profile, news articles, photo albums and user comments.
All photos are optimised via a custom-built image generator (reducing the size, download times and connection costs) with 'loading' animations. The site also has custom error pages, custom error event log and support-desk email notification. The website has been built with Visual Studio 2008, ASP.Net 3.5 using VB.Net and conforms to W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional, CSS 2.1, RSS, WAI-A WCAG 1.0 and is IE8 compatible.